Traditional Activator Oil 500ml


The Cruzeiro Traditional Activator  Oil its enriched with coconut oil and urucu, the product acts like an activador of the natural bronze of the skin.

Packing 500 ml

How to Use:

Spread the product under the skin in a uniform form. Use the sunsreen in the whole body on the begininnig of the process. To better results, use the complete cruzeiro natural bronze kit.

Borrife e espalhe bem o Óleo Ativador Cruzeiro na pele, de forma uniforme. Use protetor solar em todo o corpo no início do processo de bronzeamento. Para melhores resultados, use o Kit completo de Bronze Natural Cruzeiro.

  • Linha Bronze

Traditional Activator Oil 500ml

  • R$ 53.97

Tags: comprar óleo ativador, óleo ativador, ativar o bronzeado, bronze,